
IPMCC is a visionary, unique strategic consulting group based in Sri Lanka & guided by its founding thought leaders – Go-to-people in their field of expertise & trusted sources who turn ideas in to reality, & know & show how to replicate their own professional success.

IPMCC & CCC (Colombo Consultants Consortium) are two integrated arms to engage, identify & apply professional expertise of globally-experienced consultants.

Transform project & programme management consultancy by adopting ‘Lean Digital Integration’ & anytime-anywhere-on-any-device customer service, in sync with global partner services, for fully customized local environment.


Share specialist career knowledge, experience & skills, as Global Management Consultants, acquired in projects & programme management & business ICT integration, to deliver rapid, dynamic results & overcome rising global challenges for start-ups & struggling companies.


Offer onsite & especially Digital, Online, Mobile, Social & Cloud-Based Virtual Collaborative Consultancy as a ‘Managed Service’ for primarily mid-size companies, through key adoption of ‘Lean Digital Technology’, in order to achieve optimal results in shortest possible time.

Our primary focus is to manage Project & Operational Issues & Facilitate Technology Integration.

Secondarily, we create optimal local & international partnerships & technology solutions, with value-added leadership development, enabling our clients’ to capitalize on their respective industry growth trends.

We implement cutting-edge technologies such as ‘Lean Digital & Collaborative Communication’ & transform business processes in to ‘Agile’ systems.

We champion the globally recognized best-practice standard of Organizational Project Management Maturity Model or OPM3®, published by Project Management Institute (PMI), so client organizations can successfully align their investments & advance strategic interests to accelerate growth & profits.

Our elite multinational consultancy team has collectively clocked 250+ ‘Business Technology Project’ years & three decades of work experience in diverse industries, geographies & cultures.

We manage team of consultants & their deliverables, whether on single or multiple assignments, providing strategic leadership & customized synergies to suit varied needs.

Our flexible, systematic service methodologies suit any budget, time or scope requirements of clients.

We are Project, Business & Technology Consultants, Managers & Leads – Seasoned professionals with superior track records in local & global markets.

We are originators & entrepreneurs behind futuristic consultancy service delivery models, utilizing state-of-the-art Web tools (Cloud, Mobile, Social, IoT, Big Data, DevOps, etc.) & ‘Lean Digital Project & Process Management’, to meet rising global adoption.

IPMCC is a one-stop-shop for end-to-end, personalized consulting & integration services in Projects, Business Operations & ICT.

IPMCC Panel of Experts:

  • Founder/President/Advisory Consultant: Dr. Hugo Wisidagama
  • Lead Project Management Consultant: Mr. Aruna Kooragamage, PMP®
  • Project Finance & Credit: Mr. Daya Muthukumarana
  • IT Security & Business Continuity Planning: Mr. Tilak Pathirage
  • Telecom & Network Security: Dr. Manodha Gamage
  • IoT & Smart Management: Mr Lalinka Muthukumarana
  • Lean Digital Project Management: Mr V. S. Rao.
  • Lean Project Management (Construction): Dr. V. Rastogi
  • International Best Practices: Mr Tharaka Seneviratne
  • Board of Directors: Dr. Hugo Wisidagama; Ms. C.F. Weerasinghe; Mr. D. J. R. Y. Wisidagama
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